Your Dreams And Spiritual Warfare

Job 7:13-15 "When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint; Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions: So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my life."

Job 33:14-17 "For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man."

Matthew 13:25 “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.”

A lot of things go on while men slept.

When you go to bed, you may dream and you may likely not. Whether you dream or not, a lot is taking place.

First of all, when you sleep, only your body is sleeping/resting. Your soul, mind, spirit are active, they don't sleep. This is where the mystery of dreams begins. Immediately you sleep, your spirit becomes more active, so is your soul and mind. Unfortunately, other spirits - unclean spirits becomes active too.

When you are asleep, your spirit becomes free like a bird. It can go anywhere it wants, but most times, it will be led somewhere it doesn't want to.

When you find yourself in your former environment, former house, or workplace in your dream, your spirit has been dragged somewhere it shouldn't be. Spirits who does this are called ancestral spirits and curses. Sometimes people have dreams where they are pursued by unknown assailants brandishing weapons intent to kill or harm them. This dream either means bewitchment or an innocent blood is speaking against the person, or a vicious entity has been summoned against them.

Your dreams shows what is going on in the spirit realm; it is your spiritual monitor. About 70% of your dreams are from God (Job 33:14-17); others are from the multitude of business (Ecclesiastes 5:3); the state of your mind (Isaiah 29:8) and forces of evil. Most nightmares comes through the forces of darkness, sleep paralysis too. If there is a witch in your household, your dream life will be plagued with nightmares; witches torments the soul.

For most people who can't yet hear from God, or are led by the Spirit, the dream remains the only channel through which God communicates with them. God talks to every man whether you like it or not, many can't hear him that's why it seems God doesn't have their time. He has time for every man. This is why he employs prophets to help reach out to people, because he is a Spirit, he can't reach them.

I know a guy who couldn't sleep for 2 years because he was being harrassed by a stubborn spirit wife. He fasted and prayed, yet the spirit didn't leave him alone. Until he met a prophet who told him his spirit man is empty, that's why it couldn't resist the succubus. He asked him how many scriptures he has memorized, the guy said only two. So he told him he still have a long way to go. The spirit finally left him alone when the guy begins to read and memorize the scriptures day and night. Another man often dreams where he sees himself assaulting women sexually. He has never touched a woman in his life and he is a gentleman who will never do such, but his dreams shows that he does it. If this man doesn't deal with this spirit on time, he may end up doing what he thinks he can never do because there is a demon behind it. This man had to be delivered from the spirit of fornication which he doesn't know exists not lives inside him. Most spirits of fornication are from marine spirits and queen of the coast. They normally possess people that are covenanted and dedicated to them. Sometimes they attach to choristers in churches (I'll explain more about this later), and they possess all agents of marine spirits and queen of the coast. No man can resist them except the Holy Spirit helps him. They work as prostitutes and are sent to destroy people with great destinies.

So we can deduce that sometimes your dreams shows you what is taking place inside you that you are unaware of. It takes place deep in your subconsciousness. If you are eating in the dream, it is usually caused by spirit spouses, witches and if you have eaten polluted or bewitched food in the past. Your spirit is trying to resist the demonic influence while the demon keeps re-activating it so the dream keeps reoccurring. Anytime something good is coming your way, the demon will frustrate it and tries to tell you its still there by feeding you again in the dream. If you like yourself, you will always pray before you eat.

If you are overpowered or attacked in the dream, it means the enemy has an advantage over you, not like he is stronger or more powerful than you but it has an advantage, an edge, at that moment. You find its edge, deal with it and it will never come again. We can also call this edge a doorway. A man dreamt where he and his brothers were walking on the road, then a tall and huge man called called them and they went to him. Before they know what's happening, he put them in handcuffs and then in prison, he was still wondering what is going on when he woke up. This is the case of an evil summon, invocation, or enchantment. When enchantments is used against someone, he is put in a spiritual prison. He won't be able to leave until the enchantment is broken. A lot of people are suffering as a result of this.

When your spirit man is in trouble, or unsafe, you will see this in the dream. If you can decipher the dream, you can deliver yourself, if you cant, it may get worse. A man or woman that is walking without shoes in the dream has his or her marriage under attack. Such attacks should be taken seriously, or else that man or woman will never have peace of mind or be able to settle down with one partner in marriage.

Some foundational curses may appear or manifest in your dreams as backwardness, retardation, failure, disgrace, shame, etc. Powers behind these dreams have to be dealt with.

If you want to have sane and safe dreams, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:22)

Do not eat or drink where you shouldn't. Do go where you shouldn't be. Don't sleep with just anyone that you're attracted to. Eat to stay alive, not eat greedily. Pray daily. Avoid houses or compound where people are buried. If you live in one, you should move out, except it's a family member. Don't steal because it brings curses and curses defiles your dreams. Deal with witchcraft, it is the number 1 dream enemy and manipulator. Break known and unknown curses. Please God and serve him.

You are bound to have bad dreams if you sleep in a house that you shouldn't. I was once called to bless a house where paranormal events were happening only to find out that the place once housed a satanic altar where sacrifices, including human sacrifices, were offered. How can one progress as a Christian in such house? It is technically impossible until the house is blessed.

If you are battling curses, you may not have progressive dreams until the curses are broken.

If you are often attacked in your dreams, it is the work of household enemies and household wickedness. If your dreams continuously shows you what is contrary to your plans and expectations then curses are operation. If you have an active strongman, your dreams will constantly show backwardness, delay, regression, disappointments and deaths. You need to deal with every strongman that is oppressing you.

A man was to go for an interview that will change his life. He slept the previous day, had sex and ejaculated in the dream. He woke up late and depressed. By the time he will compose himself and dragged himself to the interview venue he was already 3 hours late. He was told an interview for a sensitive position like that, he was supposed to be there on time. He failed. When you don't deal with these dream invaders and tormentors, you are not ready to move forward.

When you see yourself tied down, or in chains, in the dream, it is witchcraft operation. If you are being raped or molested in the dream, such person has a spirit spouse and they are caged in the spirit. They are probably dedicated to a marine principality.

How to overcome dream oppression

Be born again

Be filled with the word of God; let it be your spirit's food. As your body is eating, your spirit should eat too, so it doesn't feel empty an powerless.

Eat good food. Eating dead, processed and high carb meals contributes nothing to your body system, soul and mind, it rather makes it weak. So your soul longs for this things and it finds it in the dream.

Be empowered by receiving the Holy Spirit. Deal with household enemies, inherited curses.

Deal with the strongman. Deal with anti-progress enemies.

Feed your mind, soul and spirit with clean and healthy materials, audiovisuals and media. Some horror movie scenes, sex scenes, aggressive and violent visuals can open the doors for spirits to torment your souls. Break evil agreements - they also allow the enemy to manipulate your dreams.


1. Every power operating in my dreams, die, in the name of Jesus

2. Every power manipulating my dreams, die, in the name of Jesus.

3. My dream oppressors, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.

4. The strongman in my dreams, fall down, and die, in the name of Jesus.

5. Anti-marriage spirits, anti-progress forces, be slain, in the name of Jesus.

6. The enemy that came while I slept, be cut off, in the name of Jesus.

7. I receive the power to overcome my enemies in my dreams, in the name of Jesus.
