Secrets Of Witchcraft And How To Overcome It

 Exodus 22:18 “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”

God doesn't want you to spare witches or allow to live because they are satan's servants and slaves. A witch is not just a man or woman that uses magic and spells, it is a demon that enable men and women to do cruel and wicked things. It enables it's hosts to fly, pass through walls, summon other entities/demons, and travel through astral projection. Without the demons, witchcraft does not exist. It is the evil spirits that empower men and women to do horrible things and things that are not naturally possible.

Witchcraft initiation is simply introducing occult demons into someone's life and caging the soul of the individual. The soul is the most powerful and influential thing in you. God has a soul, Jesus has one.

The soul is your real personality, your heart, your very being. Your soul is the real you. Once the soul has been captured by demonic spirits, it becomes enslaved by them, this is what happens when one is initiated into occult or witchcraft. Demons control their very thoughts, speech and action. A witch can not control himself or herself. Since their own souls has been enslaved, demons uses them to try to enslave and trap other people's souls too.

A witch may cage a woman's marriage for instance, then her demons will manipulate her senses till she is made to go and see another witch in guise of a native doctor or spiritualist or herbalist for help. All these has been arranged by the witchcraft demon. There at the spiritualist place, is where her soul will be trapped and she will be offered a fake solution - another demon to help her get one of their captives as husband. Since they are both their captives, their souls can be manipulated to believe they are meant for each other.

There are young men all over the world that witchcraft has blocked off their purpose and sources of income or revenue that they have been manipulated to turn to armed robbery, scamming, pimping, cultism, and performing occult rituals in order to make money. Some ladies have been turned to prostitutes and "escorts" by the same witchcraft.

                                                          WITCH vs WITCHCRAFT

A witch is someone possessed with a witchcraft demon that enables him or her carry out witchcraft operations. While witchcraft may not necessarily be carried out by a witch, it is the act itself. Witchcraft includes use of spells, enchantments, magic, invocations, occult rituals, wickedness, diabolism, black magic, charms, voodoo, talisman, etc. One doesn't have to be a witch to engage in these things occultism is witchcraft that has been rebranded and repackaged. All witches carry out witchcraft activities through knowledge, while witchcraft is any act that involves a demonic entity, such as spells and magic.

Sometimes people use charms and carry sacrifices for protection, but these acts atrracts demonic spirits who comes to possess whoever is involved (1 Corinthians 2:20). 

Witchcraft spirit is an unrepentant and stubborn spirit. It is a merciless and wicked spirit. It does not spare anyone nor love anyone, not even children, spouse, or relative. One of the main spirits of witchcraft is the spirit of HATRED. A witch cannot love any good thing, so is witchcraft.

Nahum 3:1-4 "Woe to the bloody city! it is all full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not; the noise of a whip, and the noise of the rattling of the wheels, and of the pransing horses, and of the jumping chariots. The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcases; and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses: because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts."

In the above scripture, the bible exposes the attributes and activities of witchcraft or witches in a given place, city or territory: bloodshed and bloodletting, killings, robberies, scams/lies and other wicked vices. In the ministry of deliverance, it is widely known and accepted that witchcraft is directly and indirectly responsible for prostitution. Directly because witchcraft itself has the spirit of prostitution as one of its spirits, indirectly because witchcraft-sponsored poverty has been indirectly responsible for prostitution is some cases.

                                    BLIND WITCHES AND BEWITCHMENT

A blind witch is someone who has a witchcraft spirit or involved in witchcraft without knowing. A blind witch is also someone indirectly initiated and conscripted into witchcraft without knowing. For instance someone being manipulated, dominated, oppressed or controlled by a witch is a blind witch. You become a blind witch when you sleep with an agent of darkness where his or her demons are transferred into you and they begin to afflict your souls. A blind witch can be used by a witch to torment and harm others. People who gets easily provoked, aggressive and violent are blind witches. Anger is one of the spirits of witchcraft. Abortion is performing one of the acts of blind witchcraft - cruelty and murder.

Someone is bewitched when they are being controlled by a witch or any demonic entity. Being bewitched and being a blind witch are similar. The difference is while the former is being controlled by a witchcraft demon (jealousy, anger, temper, witchcraft curse, spell, pollution, etc.) the latter is actually *possessed* with a witchcraft demon. Someone is bewitched when they are being controlled by a spell or hex while a blind witch is *possessed* and controlled by a witchcraft demon.

Luke 8:2 “And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,”

This woman was healed of evil spirits and infirmities which means seven evil spirits were cast out from her. Why is one person possessed with seven or more demons like that, the answer is witchcraft. Here are the spirits of witchcraft so you don't let it affect you or control you. The first one is the witchcraft demon itself which enables witches to fly and do all sorts of dark stuffs. Others are hatred (the strongest one), anger (strong), jealousy, envy, destruction (makes them attempt dangerous things), greed, lying/deception, stealing. Others are prostitution, poverty, seduction (very strong),  confusion. 

You may have not heard of this anywhere. I was opportune to counsel and conduct deliverance on a witch, these spirits were manifesting one by one and the Holy Spirit was identifying them.

If you are being controlled by any of these spirits you need to seek deliverance. While a witch has all these spirits in them, a blind witch have between 2 to 7 of them minus the main witchcraft demon. Another dangerous spirit of witchcraft is confusion which is in charge of worldly and carnal music. Music which says do weird things. When someone is singing about sex and drugs in an immoral and carnal way, it is the work of this spirit. When someone is making you do things you wouldn't do, it is the spirit of confusion that is working against you. Alcohol addiction is also as a result of the spirit of confusion.

Murders, lies, deception, abortion, alcohol addiction, domineering spirit, indiscriminate sexual activity, rape, bestiality, violence, homosexuality, prostitution, stealing, cursing, use of enchantments and divination/spells, making dark prayers, playing occult and demonic games,  etc., are treated as witchcraft in the spirit world. It is better to avoid it or you will be giving yourself up for demonic domination and control. Uncontrolled anger and temper is blind witchcraft and bewitchment, it has led to murders, attacks, violence, riots and wars.

                                             DEALING WITH WITCHCRAFT.

For you to successful deal with or eradicate witchcraft, you must deal with witchcraft and all its spirits.  Some deliverance ministers only cast out the main witchcraft demon, leaving behind dangerous spirits like hatred, confusion, envy, and anger. These spirits can still manipulate the person to do evil, bringing back the witchcraft demon again. If you are dealing with witchcraft influence and operation in your life, you must deal with it totally and completely eradicate or obliterate it or else you will be attacked again and again. How to do these is praying violently against witchcraft at night, till no symptom of their activity or their influence is noticed in your life. Witches are stubborn, destructive and unrepentant. The witchcraft spirit destroys anything good in the mind before going ahead to destroy it using satanic tools. With the spirit of jealousy and envy alone, a witch will never let you succeed or progress. With the spirit of anger, a witch can kill you just because you didn't check up on them while you checked up on others. Witchcraft is as destruction as demons itself.

Witchcraft kills anything good and sound. Witchcraft hates kindness, generosity, love and affection, godly and successful marriages, successful businesses and success generally. A pastor will say witchcraft is public enemy number 1.

Witches/witchcraft uses enchantments, spells, black magic, curses, hex, evil pronouncements and decrees, arrows (from evil decrees), divination, etc, to harm and afflict people. They also use satanic burials (to bury glories, destinies, stars), evil padlocks, mirrors, enchanted garments and other satanic instruments to oppress and defile people. Witchcraft is broad and keeps advancing everyday so we may not be able to cover everything about witchcraft in just one message. One thing is clear, all types and categories of witchcraft all has a demon attached to it. A demon is usually sent on errands to carry out witchcraft operations. Sometimes a witchcraft can attack you themselves through astro-projection.

If you want to kill witchcraft activities and operation in your life, you must surrender to Jesus first. Only him has the power to set you completely free. John 8:36 “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

You should receive the Holy Spirit so you will never fall into the traps of darkness again. Then pray warfare prayers to destroy witchcraft. 

                           PRAYER POINTS

1. Foundational witchcraft, die! In the name of Jesus.

2. Witchcraft in my father's house, die! In the name og Jesus

3. Witchcraft in my mother's house, die! In the name of Jesus.

4. Occultic witchcraft assigned against my life, die! In the name of Jesus.

5. Plantation of witchcraft in my life, die! In the name of Jesus.

6. Curse, spells, enchantments and divination of witchcraft, break! In the name of Jesus.

7. Witchcraft burials in my life, scatter! In the name of Jesus.

8. Witchcraft operations in my life, scatter! In the name of Jesus.

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