Understanding The Human Spirit: Escaping Temptations And Bondage.
Luke 9:55 “But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.”
1 Corinthians 15:44 “It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.”
Proverbs 18:14 “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?”
Your spirit is the part of God and representative of God in your body. Your spirit is God's vehicle and God's seed in your life. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it" (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
We all know God is a Spirit. The only way God reach out to you and communicates to you is through your spirit. Your physical ears can't hear him nor your soulish ears, so are your eyes.
“The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.” (Proverbs 20:27)
Your spirit comes from God. It is made by God and made after him or made to be like him. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:26)
God made you to be like him but it is specifically your spirit that was made so. Your spirit is made like God. It is a part of Him he gave you. Your spirit is God in you. Your spirit is also the strongest and the most important part of you. Everyone born of a woman is created by God because His spirit is in them; it is what gives them shape. Before the enemy can conquer you, they must first conquer your spirit. This is the basis of spiritual attacks.
All that God has given you to survive and prosper are all situated and deposited in your spirit. Be it your glory, destiny, star, virtue, marriage, wealth, understanding, greatness, etc., it is all found in your spirit. For you to access them, you must be willing to fight mentally, psychologically, and spiritually. Sometimes you have to fight for them or to retain them physically because the enemy does not want you to have access to them. You must be ready to give and take. If the enemy does not attack you spiritually, they don't have access to these things. But they want these things because they are threats to them so they keep attacking. If your spirit is not overpowered through the wiles and tricks of the enemy, you will always be victorious above only.
The spirit of man has been weakened and broken through sin and through the fall of Adam. For your spirit to be restored to full functionality, capacity and authority you have to repent of your sins and be baptized with the Holy Spirit. This will awaken your spirit and empower it (Ephesians 3:16).
Your spirit controls your thoughts, motives and actions. It controls what is allowed to happen to you, who you know and what you can achieve. Your spirit determines what you become physically. It starts from the spirit.
Unfortunately most enemies of man are also spiritual. Witchcraft, curses, evil covenants, spells, evil arrows, demons, satan, idols, principalities and powers are all spirits and they latch on to the spirit man and attack it first before controlling and dominating the person physically. Like I said, if the spirit is not overpowered, it will not allow the enemy overpower you physically. It is the strongman inside you. When a spirit or demon is stronger than your spirit, it can attack you successfully and get away with whatever they want to in your life. The key to having a stronger spirit is being baptized in the Holy Spirit and studying the bible and obeying His word.
Until your spirit is quickened and led by the Spirit of God, it is quite ignorant of a lot of things, most of which are detrimental to one's success and freedom. Because your spirit may still be naive and ignorant of most important things as the Holy Spirit, his teacher may be missing, the enemy tries to trick your spirit into believing and doing things that puts your life and soul at risk. The enemy tries to use the principle of imitation, images, graphics, audio and visuals to trick and entice your spirit into doing what the enemy wants and to go into captivity. This principle of imitation plays out sometimes in dream attacks. You would see people eating in the dream and you begin to eat like it's a normal thing to do, or that you are in a party and everyone, including you are eating. The enemy recreates the right scenario for the spirit to act by impulse and be attacked.
We eat everyday as it is a normal thing and our minds and spirits is conscious of that. So when the enemy brings food to the spirit while we are asleep, it begins to eat because he sees it as a normal thing. You must learn to control your spirit through your mind and the Holy Spirit so that he doesn't do what it is not supposed or expected to do. “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” (Proverbs 25:28)
If your spirit is not tutored or trained, it will be easily enticed by seducing spirits to do what will harm it.
Physically, the enemy also tries to seduce and control your spirit through subliminal messages that are passed through the media - internet, tv and others. Through sex scenes in movies and pornography, your spirit is made to view and see sex as a usual and common activity to indulge in. You might think those scenes are meant for your eyes, no, they are meant for your spirit, to interprete as a common and doable thing. Through the internet alone, subliminal messages of greediness, covetousness, debauchery, prostitution, lust, gluttony, confusion, wantonness etc., are presented directly to your spirit man and souls. Sometimes the powers that be use celebrities to pass on or forward these messages.
Using the principle of imitation, they can simply trick your spirit to replicate or copy an act they did so the spirit could be captured. A man might be alone with a lady, then the enemy will start showing pictures and images of him on top of the lady or having his way with the lady to his spirit. It also tries to convince the man's spirit that the lady wants it too. Eventually, the spirit may succumb and make the mind and body do his bidding, sometimes resulting in rape. Note that sometimes spirits of seduction troubling the lady might be the ones pulling and dragging the man's spirit into it. This is why the bible says we must control our hearts and spirits. If your spirit didn't go ahead, your mind and body may not.
An idle, greedy and lost fellow will sit down and allow demons describe to him in details how to rob another man of his money and possessions. He foolishly thinks it's his brain working, not knowing demons are the ones teaching him everything. This is the mystery of sin; demonic spirits suggests something to your spirit by showing you images and pictures of the act being done and how it would be done then convinces your spirit to do it.
The enemy must first of all trick your spirit into doing something before the mind and the body can follow suit. Before someone breaks another person's head with an object, a spirit must first show the spirit of the man what to do, how to do it and why he needs to do it. The person can then either give in or control himself and his spirit altogether. There is a reward in that. Because these messages travel back and forth to your spirit man in milliseconds and in real time, you are not even aware that you are being manipulated. The enemy uses anger a lot in order to put people where they want. They put your spirit and then the whole of you in trouble.
When next you want to do or say something, check first whether it is a demonic spirit that is making you to do it or telling you to do it, or it is something you have to do. That's why the bible says be slow to speak, slow to wrath... so you won't say or do what "they" want you to, but what is the truth, what is good, what is right.
Now, your dreams is your spiritual monitor. Whatever you see in your dreams may happen to you in real life, if you don't pray or act, if it's bad, so pay proper attention to your dreams.
“Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.” (Galatians 6:18)