How Your Past Affect Your Present And Your Future

 “That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.” (Ecclesiastes 3:15)

"For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers: (For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow:) Shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart?" (Job 8:8-10)

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

Our pasts sometimes create a stronghold that some of us are scared to look into or address. Some people even feel sick when they think of their past. For some, it is too demonic, too dirty or evil to look at. Is there something you did in the past that scares you? Does your past scare you?

There was a lady who was so wild in the past that she would sleep with anyone that approaches her. She even slept with a witch doctor with whom she entered into a covenant, not knowing what she was doing. In the span of their relationship he introduced her to some dangerous demons whom she could see and interact with physically. But now she is born again and want to settle down, but the demons won't let her. Mami water - mermaids, familiar spirits, and other demons that she met through the witch doctor all held on to her and do not want her to serve God or marry. She is still lamenting, regretful and cries unto God day and night for deliverance. She cries herself to sleep most times.

There was another lady, a pastor's daughter who was so notorious and wayward in her youth that while her father will be preaching on the altar, she will be fornicating away in one hotel or the other or in one of her numerous boyfriend's room across the street. She committed so much abortions that she lost her womb to quack doctors in the process of removing fetuses' from her womb as it was damaged beyond treatment. These are examples of the pasts God requires.

You may have done something in the past that offended God, if you don't confess it and make amends, it will continue to torment you. If you have wronged or hurt someone in the past that you know he or she may not have forgiven you or let go, repent and make amends now.

Now this message is about the mysteries of the past: A lot of things are happening now that we do not know how they came to be or came about. 

There was a guy who lost three women he would have married to fatal accidents in the space of five years. Tired, depressed and confused, he sought answers from the Lord and in fasting and prayers. It was then it was revealed to him that he is from a royal family and there was a king in his family's history who ordered a woman to be thrown into a pit just because the woman rebelled against the king's authority. During the woman's last moments, at death's door, she made a pronouncement that as the king has ordered her to be thrown into a pit over a minor disagreement so shall their wives in the king's family be thrown into pits before their time. This was the secret of the man's misery and mysterious deaths of his would-be spouses. He also recalled that his stepmom had died mysteriously about two decades ago and his paternal uncle also lost his wife. So the revelation is true.

Many people think once you are born again, all your sins and the sins of your parents are forgiven by God and all curses broken, which is true as God would forgive you but the problem is the devil doesn't 'forgive' or let go. I know you don't need the devil's forgiveness because he no longer has authority over you, but any covenant you made with him in the past consciously or consciously/knowingly or unknowingly, it never breaks, he holds on to it.

“And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, *which accused them before our God day and night*.” (Revelation 12:10)

And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? (Zechariah 3:1-2)

For all the wrongs you did in the past, and for all the ones your parents and grandparents did, satan will continue to accuse, torment and afflict you because the bible says he that sinned is of the devil. But if you recognize and confess them, you will be free.

I know a lady who always dreamt of where herself and some old women tying black wrappers are killing and sacrifing children. Now this lady is not a sinner, she is born again, goes to church and she has never done or participated in such fetish things in her life and to the best of her knowledge, her parents are God-fearing Christians, so she was wondering why she was having such strange dreams. It was after prayers that she learnt that her grandmother was a witch who dedicated her to her coven before she passed on and they have been calling for her.

Nations have a past, individuals have a past, families have a past, a history they may not even be aware of. 

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” (1 John 5:19). Because the whole world lies is wickedness, that is why mankind's past is dark. Houses had been built in wickedness; children are conceived in wickedness; Business are built on wickedness, even the achievement of most has been gotten through wickedness. One of the most disturbed, confused and unstable person I have ever met in my life was a beautiful lady who later found out she was switched in the hospital by her own mother because she wanted a boy as her rich husband has made her life a living hell because she has been giving birth to boys. So she connived with the hospital management who helped her to find someone willing to switch their own son for a lot of cash.  This is the wickedness and the evil past we are talking about. For 25 good years, she lived a miserable life as she didn't fit into the family she grew up to know as hers.

She was disturbed, abused, hated and violated by the man she thought was her father. After finding out the truth, things begin to make sense to her and she finally regained her sanity.

When you begin to have dreams about your old secondary schools, former place of work, your old house, or place of birth frequently, then the Holy Ghost is pointing out something in your past that the devil is still using against you or accusing you of. Don't forget, the devil will never stop using it against you until you address it, even though God may have forgiven you.

The arrows of the past is what is chasing some people, not their sins or because God hates them. In fact, some people are going through difficulties that can make you think God hates them, but that's not the case, it is their past that is speaking against them. That thing that your parents, grandparents, or great grandparents have done that brought a curse upon them unknowingly is what is still affecting you. They didn't confess it nor repent of it, so the devil is still accusing them and their generations of the crime.

If you still dream of old houses, old residences, former schools and place of birth that you may have left a long time ago, the Lord is saying there is something in your past or your family's past that is still holding you back. Some parents owe God tithes, that is one of the reasons their children are still poor today. Some even owe idols "tithes" that's why their children are stagnant in life. When there is a covenant with an idol that no one is the family is ready to attend to, then the idol will come for their heads.

Most cases of rape are orchestrated/caused by _idols_ of the past. The spirits of lust (from polygamy), seduction (polygamy, foundational witchcraft), familiar spirits (carrying sacrifices, defilement with the dead), are behind most cases of rape. There is always a spirit that opened the door for someone to be raped. If you are not spiritual you won't know. Sometimes before something bad happens, God would show you in dreams not only because he wants you to see it and avoid it or pray against it, he is showing you because these things has been orchestrated and put in motion by some wicked spirits in your foundation.

I know a lady who dreamt that she beat up her two best friends and buried them in shallow graves. She woke up scared. It was when I found out she has a familiar spirit - who can exhibit strange forms of anger and brutality that her dream became clear. People who have familiar spirits can be kind, generous, or nice, but when you get them angry, they can do unspeakable things.

People do all sorts oflame and strange things nowadays but blame their pass, not them for it. There are demons of poverty who won't let their hosts have peace or rest until they steal. This is to further drag them deeper into poverty and affliction and enslave their generation. The reason why some people are still getting away with the evils they did is because they are still one with satan. It is their children that will pay the price for it, if they don't serve the devil. The punishments of those who are on the side of the devil is eternal burnings and everlasting flames so they don't have to receive their punishment right here, they are still  working for the devil.

A guy always dreamt and finds himself being interviewed for a teaching job or position. He didn't understand until the dream started coming frequently and it was becoming annoying and unbecoming. It was when the Holy Ghost instructed him to look more closer into his family that it became clear to him what the dream means: virtually every grownup members of his family are teachers. He understands that there is something that is limiting them to one profession in the family and not a well-paying one. He knows he has to do something or he will end up as a teacher too. I mean almost everyone in their family is a teacher, and poor. There are no bankers, accountants, lawyers, or medical doctors, just teachers, and leaving paycheck to paycheck.

There are still a lot to do on our pasts so it doesn't affect your future and your children. One thing that reveals and exposes some crooked things in your past is your dreams. If your dreams keep taking you back to your village, or to your father's house, there is something there you need to address. If your dreams keep bringing up a particular person in your past, then look deeper into your relationship and activities with that person, something strange may have occurred while you had dealings together. 

A guy was praying to God for a life partner but he keeps seeing his ex in numerous dreams and visions always looking downcast or aggravated. Then one particular day, he was praying right inside their church and his spirit was troubled and he felt uncomfortable. It was then the Lord asked him to look at a particular spot in the church, he did and saw this ex he has been seeing in his dreams seated, heads in hand, looking towards his direction. When he approached her, he learnt from her that she had cursed him that he will never find a wife in his life no matter how hard he tries. She said she was disappointed and devastated that he left her after they have slept together. That she is even more pained because her dad also left her mom after he impregnated her. So she was very bitter with him and cursed him. Although the guy apologized and explained to her why he called it quits with her cos they were in a sinful relationship, the lady was still obviously angry. But he was able to pacify her and she forgave him. Your past is holding a lot of secrets that may eventually blow up in your face if you don't face it and address it.

Maybe it wasn't you that did it that bad or abominable thing; maybe it's your parents or grandparents, the devil knows and will hold it against you to the firth generation. God forgives but the devil will not let God. But why can't God just deal with the devil for your sake and send him away? That's why you have to pray. Your spirit has been compromised by that stain, that sin or evil act, therefore, it is weak, deformed. Prayers is supposed to straighten things out.

Diabolism, bloodshed, pacts with the devil, witchcraft, carrying sacrifices, curses, thefts, polygamy, evil altars, betrayals, murders, wickedness, cruelty, evil vows, and other vices, satanic practices and evil acts all constitute a dark past and tie down people's destinies.

I have met a guy who went from being financially comfortable to finding it difficult to eat once in a day. When we prayed together, he got home and dreamt that he gave an old woman #50 but as he walked away, the old woman who knew he had higher denominations in his pocket (obviously a woman with an unclean spirit) but chose to give him the smallest amount he had, judged him that he will suffer before he eats in his life for ridiculing her.

I tell you, your financial, marital, physical, and economic situation is a reflection of your past, especially if you are a child of God who have abstained from evil and living godly and righteous. Blessings supposed to envelope you as a righteous man (Psalm 5:12), if that isn't the case, something is wrong somewhere, that is the truth. It is not because your time has not come.

If your parents are poor and you are now adult and still poor, then neither you nor your parents dealt with that which kept the poor. Illiteracy is not an excuse, it is because they missed several opportunities that would have made them rich due to ignorance or because something they couldn't see blocked it.

If you keep seeing yourself back at your parent's house even thought you have left them for a while, then it means there is something they didn't deal with that is coming for you. Your dreams sometimes post pictures of your past and beams a searchlight on your past, if you are diligent enough, you should be able to see those dark things in your past that are weighing down your spirit.

There was a guy that was mad and roamed the streets naked for a long time before his family were able to trace him and take him to a mental hospital. He remains in that state for a long time. But before his stepmom died, she confessed that she made him mad because he was rude to her. The guy left the hospital, healed and sound, few weeks after his stepmom died.

To be honest to you, God does not have a hand in what you are going through, it is not his plan, he is not using it to train you, you just have to learn your lesson and learn how things work in the spirit realm. What you are passing through is not the will of God, in fact, it makes him sad too. That is why if you can pray hard and pester him for answers, he will show you the secret of your problems or your battles.

Whatever good or evil you or your parents did in the past, you will reap from it.

                                                               Prayer Points

1. Lions of the past, assigned to tear my present to shreds, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

2. Every power that wants me to bury my heads in shame, die, in the name of Jesus.

3. Whatever is caging my destiny, whoever is caging my destiny, be slain, in the name of Jesus.

4. Arrows from my past, be scattered in the name of Jesus.

5. Whatever is tying me down in the past, die! In the name of Jesus.
