[Mark 10:9, Ecclesiastes 9:9, Songs of Solomon 1-8, Proverbs 31:10-12]

Marital problems may include: Hatred, Neglect and Abandonment, Lack of trust, Infidelity/Adultery/Extra-marital affairs, Separation, Divorce, Rejection, Nagging, Abuse, Lack of care, Lack of love,  etc. 

  Pray the prayers below fervently.

1. O Lord, have mercy on me and my spouse in Jesus name

2. O Lord, decorate me and my spouse with love in Jesus name

3. O Lord, re-unite my spouse with me in Jesus name

4. O Lord, forgive me and forgive my spouse in Jesus name

5. O Lord, show mercy in this marriage in Jesus name

6. O Lord, bless this union in Jesus name

7. O Lord, arise and favour me and my spouse in Jesus name

8. O Lord, deal mercifully with me, and my spouse in Jesus name

9. O lord, deploy marital bliss in this marriage in Jesus name

10. O Lord, increase the love between me and my spouse in Jesus name

11. O Lord, don't let this marriage/home break in Jesus name


12. O Lord, remeber me for good, in Jesus name

13. O Lord, speak to my spouse in Jesus name

14. O Lord, release me from captivity in Jesus name

15. O Lord, bless my marriage in Jesus name

16. Father, appear in this marriage in Jesus name

17. O Lord, release peace upon this marriage in Jesus name

18. O Lord, set this marriage on holy fire of love and affection in Jesus name

19. O Lord, visit my marriage in Jesus name

20. O Lord, re-organize my home in Jesus name

21. O Lord, open my heart and that of my spouse for good in Jesus name

22. Father, i thank you in Jesus name

23. Father, accept my thanks in Jesus name  
