Strange Movement In The Body

If there is a strange movement in your body, do not panic. In some cases it is deposit of a spirit spouse or attack of witchcraft. It is a spiritual problem and also an attack on your glory. Rebuke the moving power and curse it to die. Do not stop praying against it until you have victory. Follow this prayer guide to deal with it.

                                                          John 8:36,  2 Corinthians 3:17


1.  Anything that came into my life through sex, die in the name of Jesus.

2.  Anything that came into my life through arrows, die, in the name of Jesus.

3.  Every marriage that I have entered into consciously and unconsciously, be broken in Jesus name.

4.  Every evil agreement that I have entered into consciously and unconsciously, be broken in Jesus name.

5.  Every covenant that I have entered into consciously and unconsciously, be broken in Jesus name.

6.  Every arrow fired into my body, release me and die in the name of Jesus.

7.  Every pronouncement against my marriage, be broken in Jesus name.

8.  Every evil agreement in my mother's side, be broken in Jesus name.

9.  Every evil agreement in my father's side, be broken in Jesus name.

10. Every arrow fired into my life, go back to the sender in Jesus name.

11. Every pronouncement against my destiny, be broken in Jesus name.

12. Every arrow fired against my destiny, go back to the sender in Jesus name.

13. Everything that is spoken against my life, that is affecting me, be broken in Jesus name.

14. Everything that has been said to me, that is affecting me, let it be cancelled in Jesus name.

     Also say the prayers on breaking spiritual marriages here
