The Mystery Of Iniquity: Secrets Of Sins

The Mystery Of Iniquity

"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth let, until he be taken out of the way" ( 2 Thessalonians 2:7 KJV)

"We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not." (1 John 5:18 KJV).

Whenever sin is mentioned in church or anywhere, the things people think are fornication, adultery, lying, stealing, murder, but these are only the manifestations of sin itself, in fact, the bible aptly calls most of them the works of the flesh because they are the physical manifestations of the spirit and seed of sin itself. 

The first sin mankind committed on earth was disobedience and rebellion (Genesis 3). "Don't do it, if you do it, you will be die." And they did it anyway and lost their place in creation. They also sinned because they were made to or tricked into doing it by the evil one. 

Sin is departing from the "old" or true ways, or the right way.

Sin is doing things by your own strength and wisdom and not trusting in God or God's mercies, wisdom or grace (Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalms 20:7-8, 1 Samuel 2:9 )

Sin is trusting in, believing in, or worshipping another god other than the true God - Yahweh. It can also be creating another god for yourself entirely.

These are the real sins that existed in the beginning or the real sins that are known in the beginning. They are the foundation for other sins. Now let's examine the other common sins and the secrets behind them. I will mention a few, then you can figure out the rest yourself, the spirit of a man can also learn from patterns and examples.

1. Fornication: fornication isn't a sin that existed or occurs from the beginning, that doesn't mean people weren't involving in sexual activities, but it wasn't known as sin until God addresses it or calls it a sin. That is because FORNICATION is from idolatry. In those days sex was part of rituals performed during idol worship. As they are observing the worship of their idols, they will be having sex right there as part of their service and devotion to their idols. Random men and women making love with each other as part of obeisance to an idol, making God to ban the act entirely among his chosen. The thing is, idols gives you lust, a terrible form of lust that you'll technically be worshipping the opposite gender for sexual gratification. Another thing is idolatry is a spiritually marriage to the idol. The same way people who follow Jesus are meant to receive His Spirit and be led by His Spirit which literally is a marriage between the two. When you worship an idol, you're married to that idol. Marriage must be consummated by law, so sex must be involved: unlawful, carnal, immoral sex. Unfortunately the powers that be in this world are people who worship Satan not God and also offer sex offerings to Satan. So they promote carnal sex and immorality everywhere, on TV, on the internet, through movies and music, print medias, pornogr aphy, and in anyway you could think of. This is what is going on in this world that immoral sex, extramarital sex has become norms in our society. It is from idolatry. They want you to have sex anyhow and anytime so you can come under the devil and his authority. There are occasions where demons are summoned physically to have sex with women and men who can't discern or who have no self-control or too carefree. Whoever sleeps with a demon belongs to that demon for eternity except God pities them. You can't stop commiting this sin if you don't understand how it works (Proverbs 6:32). Saying or thinking God says I should not do it so I won't do it isn't enough. Even if you don't want to do it, there are people under the influence of demons that can or will make you do it. Some people are possessed with spirits of lust and seduction that you may start thinking of sleeping with them by just going close to them. They make women wear weaveons, attachments and cosmetics that are demonically laced with marine spirits and spirits of seduction that only make men think of sex or lying with them when they see them. Even the women using them can't help thinking of sexual intercourse from time to time as a routine not as a marriage duty. It allows women to be easily enticed with money, power, influence, false charm, handsomeness, ego, fame, charisma and other material things. These and other things I may mention later is the mystery of fornication. It wasn't so from the beginning. You are doing it because they made you do it or manipulated you to do it(and you couldn't control it). They derive pleasure from watching you sin and they claim your soul later. The powers that be also make you eat processed foods and sugary foods that fire up your libido and make you crave sex. Seeds of sexual immorality are also acquired and sown by parents to their children. If you can overcome it, your children may be able to overcome it too and preserve God's heritage, glory and favour. Be careful out there. Marine spirits, familiar spirits, polygamy(because of lust. Polygamy is a choice, but lust is the spirit of polygamy) also make people crave sex as a routine. Remember they want you to have sex and they'll make you do it using what they have. Men should also realize that women are weaker than us and vulnerable to sexual assault and your role is to protect them not use them or take advantage of them. Fornication could also be traced to fallen angels who came to forcefully lie with human women. But God later wiped them out.

2. Stealing: If you think of stealing, you may say people steal because they are hungry, greedy or covetous or needy, but the mystery of stealing is deeper than that. People steal because they are enticed to. You may find yourself in a place where someone plugged their phone to charge with no one or the owner around. Then something will start telling you how you can take the phone and make it yours or sell it for quick cash or just acquire it for yourself to use. You can be passing by a car and see cash and phones on the car seat and no one around and close by and one spirit will begin to give you ideas how you can break in and take those things for yourself. You're being enticed. You may need money urgently and you know where you friend keeps money or how to access or hack his banking apps and account and your mind is telling you to do it and take his money, you're being enticed. You may be genuinely hungry and your neighbor is selling bread and you got the idea to steal the bread and eat, you're enticed. You're being enticed because you don't know how to get what you want or need and the enemy is giving you his own alternatives or options of getting it. One way to prevent stealing is to anticipate what you'll need even before the need comes and seek ways to get it. As a political office holder, a lot of money may be passing through you or through your desk or office and you begin to realize you could take some of it for yourself without a trace and you get ideas on what so much money can get you so the offer to steal becomes irresistible, it is enticement and deception. The best and only way to make money as a political office holder is to create jobs, build companies and institutions that create jobs and a better living standards for people in society and make your money from it. Use the money of the public to serve the public and make your money from it. Whichever office you're occupying that a lot of money is coming into, resist the temptation to steal, use the money and the office to help people and you will be automatically blessed. Avoid stingy and greedy people at all cost. Their spirits can provoke or manipulate you to steal/take from them.


The truth about murder is it is more spiritual than physical. Taking a cue from the movie FINAL DESTINATION, you should understand that people are going to die no matter what but you don't want to be the victim or the murderer. I started interpreting dreams on back then because I read the story of a woman who kept dreaming that her daughter died and instead of praying for her or asking God to show her mercy, she decided to go and visit her in another state only for the daughter to be murdered right in front of her. Something was killing the daughter spiritually and God was showing her but instead of praying to reverse it, she travelled to visit her. After spiritual death has occurred, physical death will follow, sometimes this may take years, but the spirit of death(sometimes death and hell) will keep tormenting the person and they may become irritable to a lot of people who may eventually and inadvertently kill them. They can also die through diseases or accidents. What truly kills people is witchcraft, blood cries from an innocent blood(when an innocent blood is shed, it keeps crying for blood to be shed in it's place to be freed from the captivity of death. This cries continues ceaselessly until God intervenes through thes prayer of the righteous). Other causes of murder includes occult rituals and activity, but the main cause of murder is sin. When you sin, you must die, even if it takes 70 years or less, you must surely die (Ezekiel 18:20). How fast you die depends on how much grace you have. Any sin whatsoever qualifies you for death. When you disobey God, you must die. To avoid untimely death, try as much as possible to live righteously and be prayerful. In other not to kill someone, always anticipate that someone is going to betray you, something will go wrong, your partner may cheat, or someone will provoke you and think of how to avoid murder in these cases, including accidents.

Which other sins do you want to know their secrets or mysteries? 
