Battle Against The Powers Of Your Father's House

“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:” (Genesis 12:1)

Some of us left our father's house physically, but we forgot to leave spiritually so we still find ourselves there (in the dream) from time to time.

“And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.” (Matthew 10:36)

Because men/fathers are the heads of families, what makes people the head comes from their father's house, so the devil hides there to make sure no one uses their glory there.

“And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Take thy father's young bullock, even the second bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it:” (Judges 6:25). It is clear from this scripture that Gideon would not have been used mightily by the Lord if he hadn't obeyed and destroyed the altar of Baal in his father's house.

The father's house is the place in which many peoples' destinies are caged. Most dreams of backwardness, going back to one's village, father's house or old schools in the dream are spirits in one's father's house pulling people backwards. If you have any battles, 70% of it will come from your father's house. You already know this so I don't need re-emphasize it.

The fathers are the head and demons hate whatever God has made the head, so they attack fathers and fathers' house the more.

Joseph faced so much attacks and hatred from the powers of his father's house who used his step brothers against him that almost took his life at a young age. He named his first son Manasseh to remind him that he has been freed from the grip of the powers of his father's house (Genesis 41:51).

I know a lady who prayed violent prayers overnight over her mariage issue, then slept and dreamt of fighting big snakes in her father's room. These are the powers of his father's house that are frustrating her marriage.

I have a friend that on making inquiry prayers over his lack of job found himself in his stepmom's room in the dream, where he was covered with a garment and tied down on the bed. This is a principality in his father's house that won't let him move forward.

If those demons in your father's house can let you go, it will be easier for you to fulfill your destiny. Your father's house is where your destiny is. It will also be easy for children to succeed if fathers can fight and win most if not all their battles: be it financial, spiritual, economic, or social. I have met a lot of ladies who couldn't do much or achieve much in life as their fathers refused to send them to school. They had had all their dreams and hopes in life cut short because of this. This is another battle of the father's house. Most battles of your father's house will come from:






If you can be delivered from the problems and the powers of your father's house, the rest won't be so hard for you. You won't let what stopped or limited your father in life to stop you and limit you too.

Nowadays, young people are indulging and involving more in crimes, scams and fraud to survive harsh economic conditions and realities. But poverty, if you are wise, must be defeated spiritually first before it would be defeated physically and that's how the generation will escape poverty. If the sons of a professor decided to murder him because he brought his 45 million naira pensions and gratuity funds home, then education didn't pave the way to end poverty in that family. Some poverty is caused by inherited curses, if the curses are not broken, people may have to do dirty things just to make money.

I know you cannot break every yoke by prayer alone, and many didn't pray much or prayed at all before they succeeded, there are principles of success to follow in order to succeed. The one I am concerned with is never make the same mistakes your parents made in life and never miss the opportunities they missed. With faith alone, you can do a lot of things. Knowledge is also a very powerful tool to break strongholds and barriers, but you are going to need God and you need to pray when everything you try seems to fail, when nothing seems to be working. You check your father's house and found out the problem may be coming from there. A lot of people are already aware of the wicked people in their father's house. Some don't even travel to their villages or go to see their father's peoples anymore.

I met a lady on the streets some years ago. She told me God has told her to go and marry Dr. D K Olukoya of MFM and she has written him and waiting for his confirmation and for him to divorce his wife, Shade. She kept writing him but got no response from him. She sleeps outside the church's compound, expecting the day Dr. Olukoya will come and pick her up. I told her to forget about it she insists that God has spoken to her and no going back. Then one day, I asked her deep questions because I suspected that she was being tormented with the spirit of insanity, and she opened up to me that her paternal aunt once vowed to her that she will never succeed once she is still alive. This lady, a young graduate, not looking for job, but for a married man of God to tear his marriage and ministry apart. This is demonic opression coming from the evil powers of her father's house.

The powers of your father's house will torment, frustrate and scatter your marriage, destiny, ministry and life. Even if you don't know them or aware of them, nor believe they exists, it won't stop them from killing and destroying whatever is glorious in your life. There are evil forces and satanic agents in every family, they are the first to see your glory and your destiny, and to inquiry about your star, if they know it will rewrite the family history, they are going to kill it or frustrate it.

                      PRAYER POINTS

1. Whatever needs to die in my father's house, whosoever needs to die in my father's house, before I can excel or prosper, die! In the name of Jesus.

2. Every power that needs to die in my father's house before I can move forward or succeed, die! In the name of Jesus.

3. Witchcraft in my father's house, polygamous witchcraft, in my father's house, die! In the name of Jesus.

4. Every satanic manipulation in my father's house, affecting my life, scatter! In the name of Jesus.

5. Every satanic manipulation in my mother's house, affecting my life, scatter! In the name of Jesus.

6. Whatever is tying me down in my father's house, every power tying me down in my father's house, loose me and die! In the name of Jesus.

7. The coven in my father's house, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

8. Satanic cage of my father's house, satanic prison of my father's house, satanic stronghold, of my father's house, be broken to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

9. Strange curses, wicked curses, witchcraft curses of my father's house, affecting my life, be broken, in the name of Jesus.

10. Anti-marriage powers, anti-marriage spirits of my father's house, be slain, in the name of Jesus.

11. Foundational bondage of my father's house, die! In the name of Jesus.

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