Polygamous witchcraft affects anyone born to a polygamous family. It is responsible for transfer and trading of glory, virtues and destinies among people born to the family. Sicknesses, deaths, delay in marriage, suppression and oppression are their activities. Polygamous witchcraft afflict, torment and destroy wherever they are and in any family they are present. Polygamous witchcraft limits people and stops them from moving forward. If you're in a polygamous home and you experience difficulties and afflictions, you need to break polygamous witchcraft.

 Micah 7:10, Then she that is my enemy shall see it, and shame shall cover her who said unto me, where is the Lord your God? my eyes shall behold her: now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the streets. (kjv)

         Psalm 27,  Jeremiah 20:11,  Jeremiah 30:16-17,   Jeremiah 50:33-34

1. Let every witchcraft power in my father's house be cut off in Jesus name.

2. Let every witchcraft power in my mother's house be cut off in Jesus name.

3. Let every witchcraft padlock be broken in Jesus name.

4. Let every evil pronouncement over my life, over my destiny be broken in Jesus name.

5. Let every power blocking my way be broken in Jesus name.

6. Every power that is tying down my virtues, be broken in Jesus name.

7. Every power that wont let me go, be broken in Jesus name.

8. Let every snail attached to my life be destroyed in Jesus name.

9. Let every mark placed on me by my enemy be removed in Jesus name.

10. Let every power assigned against my health be destroyed in Jesus name.

11. Let every power saying contrary things against my life be destroyed in Jesus name.

12. I shall rejoice over the enemy in Jesus name.

      Thank God.
